
Refund Policy

Refund Policies

If you wish to return unwanted products, please contact us at (888) 528-8065 within 5 working days of receipt of the goods. Accelerated orders have non-refundable charges.

Returns and refunds will only be issued if all items are unmarked, undamaged, and in a new condition with the inner packaging unopened. Please feel free to review our current Terms and Conditions

If the goods you have received are faulty, please let us know immediately, and we will arrange for a next-day collection and replacement.

If collection of the goods is arranged and you miss your slot or pick-up time, then the return of the goods will be at your own expense.

Custom Made Returns

Goods that have been custom-made or customized in any way cannot be accepted for refund in any circumstances unless they are damaged or faulty. Please notify us within 5 working days if your custom-made products are damaged or faulty.

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